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Donate to Mark A. Douglas for Mayor
A vision of a Sunrise for All People

Promises Made, Promises Kept
& More to Come.

Leading into the Future

Mark A. Douglas has been a City Commissioner in Sunrise since his historic election in 2016. That year, over 17,000 voters of the city elected Commissioner Mark A. Douglas as the first minority to serve on the City Commission in its history. Read More
  • Residents are first priority
  • Leading proponent of long term strategic plan "Sunrise Vision 2041"
  • Create Affordable housing trust fund
  • Promote transparency in governance
Support my advocacies.
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Direct COVID Relief Funds
City Contractor Accountability
for School Resource Officers
Integrity - Competence - Experience

Sunrise Vision 2041

Atty. Mark A. Douglas

Commissioner since 2016

Our new “Sunrise Vision 2041”. Lays out a practical road map of how we thrive as a city over the next 20 years. Additional unity, hospitals, new economic development, growth in housing, reach critical mass in infrastructural development with our new parks, massive investment in our utility infrastructure to include acquisition in supply capacity, renewal and new new treatment facilities and new distribution areas.

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Atty. Mark A. Douglas
Years Of

Mark A. Douglas in Action

Proud to be Endorsed Supported by trusted members of our community